What a lovely start to June’s photography shoots! The treks to North London are always worth while when you arrive and meet another gorgeous family, just like this one with the smiliest beautiful brothers. I’m so lucky to do this job (most of the time it doesn’t really feel like a job at all)! Not only do I get to meet so many lovely people but I get to document very special moments in their lives for them, creating memories that will last for ever. One day these two boys will look back at these photographs and explain to their children and grandchildren that “that was me in the olden days”!

This shoot lasted just under 3 hours. I always allow up to 3 hours for my family and newborn shoots. Allowing a good amount of time means that we can take breaks as needed for snacking, feeding, changing and settling and sometimes just to have a little breather! This also means that my shoots can be completely baby and child led. My aim is to capture your family just as they are with very natural photographs that document real life moments.
Have a scroll and take a look at the selection of gorgeous photographs from this lovely natural in-home family shoot.